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EP 106 What makes a Good or Bad Venture Capitalist 2.0?

Special Guests:

Thomas Kluz

Michael Gorton

Anurag Gupta

Matthew Douglas

Eugene Borukhovich

Here are a few clips from the show:

The Bootstrapping vs. Venture Capital Dilemma

Entrepreneurial Resilience in Building Teladoc


The Power of Mentorship and Strategic Relationships

Healthcare and IP Ownership

Inspiration Behind Tembo Health

The Impact of Shark Tank on Venture Capital Perception

Entrepreneur's Anxiety and Investor's Support

A Personal Anecdote on Mistakes and Learning

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Planetary Health First Mars Next is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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  • In kindness,

  • Michael Mann, (😍 💕)

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Planetary Health First Mars Next
Planetary Health First Mars Next
We are on a mission to transform healthcare by building a dynamic robust diverse community.
Topics include: startups, digital health, health IT, technology in healthcare, payers, hospitals, healthcare systems, pharma, biotech, culture, change, leadership.
Audience is healthcare executives, leaders, healthcare administrators.